Rage of mages 2 game speed
Rage of mages 2 game speed

rage of mages 2 game speed

Convert your Critical Strike Chance into up to 150 more. new Unique Passive - Wrath: Attacks apply 30 magic damage On-Hit.Item Recipe: Rageknife + Cloak of Agility + Dagger + 900 gold ⇒ Amplifying Tome + Rageknife + Pickaxe + 690 Tier Change: Legendary Tier ⇒ Mythic Tier.But now it has a specific focus on enabling hybrid damage champions through its mixed-penetration mythic passive (since neither Void Staff nor Last Whisper upgrades typically make sense on such champions.) Guinsoo’s Rageblade is back as the pinnacle hybrid on-hit item! Many of its old rules like extra on-hits and converting crit chance into on-hit damage are still in place. Mythic Passive: Empowers each of your other Legendary items with 5 Attack Damage.(Cooldown: 90 seconds) (Note: Maximum execution threshold: 25% current health, Maximum execution strength: 60% bonus damage.) Damage is increased based on your target's missing health. Active - Cloudburst: Dash and deal 150-350 (plus up to 250, based on Critical Strike Chance) physical damage to the lowest health nearby enemy, prioritizing champions.Critical Strike Chance: 20% (Note: Unchanged).Item Recipe: Noonquiver + Cloak of Agility + Pickaxe + 625 gold ⇒ B.The specific numbers on Galeforce land it squarely stronger than the old version against squishies but requires building more crit chance to make use of that power, which should help keep it from being poached by assassins.

rage of mages 2 game speed

The opportunity cost of Infinity Edge, Quickblades, or Rageblade is meaningful in terms of DPS but if your path to victory is through helping assassinate a squishy champion (or not being assassinated yourself), 90% DPS is much better than 0%. Galeforce is the one crit mythic item that’s remaining mythic. There are also a slew of balance changes to epic items to buff underpowered trap upgrades (Recurve Bow, Hearthbound Axe, Kircheis Shard) and nerf overly-powerful ones (Zeal). Meanwhile, underperforming items like Mortal Reminder, The Collector, and Mercurial Scimitar are receiving some simple buffs. The legendary re-balancing brings down some overly strong items, such as Kraken Slayer losing its true damage, Immortal Shieldbow providing less shielding, and Bloodthirster losing its shield entirely.

rage of mages 2 game speed

The new mythic items are quite similar to the old versions as they already served their purposes well, with a notable change in Rageblade more strongly filling the hybrid on-hit niche, which should make champions like Kayle and Teemo pay attention. Ultimately, we feel that Infinity Edge, Quickblades, Rageblade, and Galeforce actually fit the role of a mythic item the best so the other items are being demoted to legendary status and re-tuned to fit that new role. Currently, League of Legends functionally has two sets of critical strike mythic items: Kraken / Galeforce / Shieldbow and Infinity Edge / Quickblades / Rageblade.


We’ve got a big update to crit itemization with the hope of creating a much more open ecosystem of crit items players are excited to buy.

  • E - MOUNTING DREAD CRIT THRESHOLD: 15-65% target max health, scaling with crit chance ⇒ 25-75% target max health, scaling with crit chance.
  • W - SPIRIT CLEAVE COOLDOWN: 16~6 seconds, scaling with bonus attack speed ⇒ 14~6 seconds, scaling with bonus attack speed.
  • PASSIVE - WAY OF THE WANDERER SHIELD: 100-575 ⇒ 125-600.
  • Critically (heh), they don't have direct replacements to shift to. The wind bros lost a lot of survivability with Shieldbow's downshift from Mythic to Legendary, while Kindred lost a lot of damage with Kraken Slayer's. While we're planning on comprehensive balance followup in 13.11, we're giving some quick buffs to the biggest losers of 13.10's item changes now.

    Rage of mages 2 game speed